all postcodes in YO15 / BRIDLINGTON

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO15 3QU 1 54.047743 -0.217464
YO15 3QY 56 54.060132 -0.256704
YO15 3TA 0 54.077417 -0.21208
YO15 3TB 0 54.078393 -0.209409
YO15 3TD 0 54.077833 -0.210473
YO15 3TF 0 54.079227 -0.209312
YO15 3TG 0 54.079226 -0.20864
YO15 3TQ 0 54.078077 -0.208169
YO15 3LG 1 54.076833 -0.199464
YO15 3DY 0 54.080817 -0.196447
YO15 3QA 0 54.060704 -0.24429
YO15 3QB 0 54.06087 -0.242585
YO15 3HE 0 54.08282 -0.200703
YO15 3EH 0 54.082665 -0.198768
YO15 3BD 1 1 54.082981 -0.1927