all postcodes in YO15 / BRIDLINGTON

find any address or company within the YO15 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO15 3NH 0 54.077052 -0.205126
YO15 3NJ 0 54.075206 -0.204885
YO15 3NL 0 54.075485 -0.205484
YO15 3NN 0 54.076629 -0.203845
YO15 3NP 2 54.076412 -0.201378
YO15 3NQ 0 54.076296 -0.206244
YO15 3NR 1 54.075407 -0.202079
YO15 3NS 3 54.075688 -0.201042
YO15 3NT 1 54.075308 -0.212324
YO15 3NU 0 54.074091 -0.21149
YO15 3NW 1 54.076745 -0.202617
YO15 3NX 0 54.074574 -0.211928
YO15 3NY 0 54.076499 -0.213847
YO15 3PA 1 54.070143 -0.228256
YO15 3PE 1 54.083001 -0.202591
YO15 3PF 0 54.081202 -0.203082
YO15 3PG 0 54.079845 -0.20311
YO15 3PH 0 54.080184 -0.204165
YO15 3PJ 0 54.078505 -0.204926
YO15 3PL 0 54.078757 -0.205526