all postcodes in YO30 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO30 5PA 4 4 53.97683 -1.110057
YO30 5PB 8 8 53.976819 -1.112167
YO30 5PD 1 1 53.977642 -1.110473
YO30 5PS 3 0 53.980169 -1.100888
YO30 5PT 44 0 53.979611 -1.103294
YO30 5PU 28 0 53.979351 -1.104566
YO30 5PX 17 0 53.978513 -1.105483
YO30 5PY 5 5 53.981652 -1.098462
YO30 5PZ 32 0 53.98081 -1.100097
YO30 5QA 42 0 53.974919 -1.099645
YO30 5QB 14 0 53.975811 -1.103452
YO30 5QD 40 0 53.9763 -1.102817
YO30 5QE 14 0 53.976979 -1.103381
YO30 5QF 4 0 53.97732 -1.10217
YO30 5QG 37 0 53.978389 -1.100942
YO30 5QH 8 0 53.979065 -1.101171
YO30 5QJ 4 0 53.978152 -1.102853
YO30 5QL 39 0 53.977704 -1.104266
YO30 5QN 29 0 53.978222 -1.103812
YO30 5QP 30 0 53.979991 -1.102356