all postcodes in YO30 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO30 5QQ 51 0 53.978315 -1.101813
YO30 5QR 18 0 53.980631 -1.101366
YO30 5QS 36 0 53.978581 -1.103683
YO30 5QT 13 0 53.97831 -1.10596
YO30 5QU 10 0 53.977128 -1.105315
YO30 5QW 30 0 53.979749 -1.100074
YO30 5QX 24 0 53.980338 -1.103157
YO30 5QZ 14 0 53.981014 -1.100931
YO30 5RA 3 2 53.977857 -1.113945
YO30 5RB 4 4 53.982824 -1.117103
YO30 5RE 13 5 53.972445 -1.104073
YO30 5RF 13 0 53.97367 -1.104459
YO30 5RG 7 0 53.97371 -1.103833
YO30 5RH 11 0 53.977544 -1.108142
YO30 5RJ 5 0 53.977643 -1.109283
YO30 5RL 44 0 53.978805 -1.10842
YO30 5RN 12 1 53.978398 -1.110502
YO30 5RP 33 0 53.979698 -1.110063
YO30 5RQ 21 1 53.976089 -1.107014
YO30 5RR 10 0 53.979574 -1.112795