all postcodes in YO30 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO30 5SU 28 0 53.981057 -1.110339
YO30 5SW 19 6 53.979602 -1.106933
YO30 5SX 30 0 53.981148 -1.108065
YO30 5SY 38 0 53.981517 -1.108133
YO30 5SZ 8 0 53.982395 -1.112567
YO30 5TA 26 1 53.983072 -1.11298
YO30 5TB 6 0 53.98371 -1.114141
YO30 5TD 21 0 53.983276 -1.115065
YO30 5TE 14 0 53.982833 -1.114784
YO30 5TF 10 0 53.983123 -1.116334
YO30 5TG 13 0 53.982493 -1.114944
YO30 5TH 27 0 53.981227 -1.112729
YO30 5TJ 9 0 53.98161 -1.113392
YO30 5TL 5 0 53.980644 -1.114007
YO30 5TN 6 0 53.980845 -1.114491
YO30 5TP 13 0 53.981969 -1.114574
YO30 5TQ 22 0 53.982254 -1.113043
YO30 5TR 23 0 53.984243 -1.112147
YO30 5TS 41 1 53.985527 -1.111997
YO30 5TT 25 0 53.985109 -1.111396