all postcodes in YO30 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO30 5RS 36 0 53.980874 -1.112401
YO30 5RT 44 0 53.980256 -1.111439
YO30 5RU 8 1 53.980331 -1.114319
YO30 5RW 6 0 53.978145 -1.111529
YO30 5RX 9 0 53.981056 -1.116347
YO30 5RY 15 0 53.981691 -1.115861
YO30 5RZ 40 1 53.984897 -1.119224
YO30 5SB 28 0 53.970943 -1.100386
YO30 5SD 1 0 53.978546 -1.106291
YO30 5SF 1 1 53.978078 -1.114656
YO30 5SG 18 0 53.974556 -1.103906
YO30 5SH 2 0 53.981378 -1.110036
YO30 5SJ 25 2 53.976027 -1.104829
YO30 5SL 4 0 53.979254 -1.105955
YO30 5SN 36 0 53.97852 -1.107557
YO30 5SP 40 0 53.978997 -1.108873
YO30 5SQ 8 0 53.974192 -1.103289
YO30 5SR 17 0 53.980146 -1.107553
YO30 5SS 3 0 53.979929 -1.108472
YO30 5ST 9 0 53.980714 -1.108959