all postcodes in YO30 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO30 5XG 41 0 53.987821 -1.119513
YO30 5XJ 24 1 53.986563 -1.12201
YO30 5XQ 38 0 53.987088 -1.121328
YO30 5XX 7 0 53.987853 -1.117859
YO30 5XY 5 4 53.988186 -1.111859
YO30 5XZ 1 1 53.984348 -1.12289
YO30 5YA 1 1 53.983999 -1.12548
YO30 5YH 1 1 53.978217 -1.065373
YO30 5YQ 1 1 53.978217 -1.065373
YO30 5YS 1 1 53.978217 -1.065373
YO30 5YX 1 1 53.977404 -1.109822
YO30 5YY 1 1 53.981854 -1.099068
YO30 5ZA 19 0 53.979404 -1.0972
YO30 5ZB 31 0 53.979001 -1.09852
YO30 5ZD 20 0 53.98006 -1.098405
YO30 5ZE 18 0 53.978962 -1.09698
YO30 5ZF 30 0 53.979893 -1.096442
YO30 5ZG 66 0 53.981167 -1.105731
YO30 5ZH 49 0 53.98048 -1.105243
YO30 5ZJ 7 0 53.980035 -1.105878