all postcodes in YO30 / YORK

find any address or company within the YO30 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO30 5TU 28 0 53.984612 -1.11098
YO30 5TW 29 0 53.981713 -1.11525
YO30 5TX 19 0 53.986875 -1.119304
YO30 5TY 23 0 53.986746 -1.118834
YO30 5TZ 17 1 53.988379 -1.112364
YO30 5UB 21 0 53.986645 -1.116091
YO30 5UD 19 0 53.986895 -1.117138
YO30 5UE 10 0 53.987437 -1.116242
YO30 5UF 10 0 53.986803 -1.115631
YO30 5UG 18 0 53.9865 -1.114676
YO30 5UH 12 0 53.985783 -1.113822
YO30 5UJ 13 0 53.98529 -1.113985
YO30 5UL 24 0 53.985359 -1.114838
YO30 5UN 6 0 53.98576 -1.116751
YO30 5UP 21 0 53.985379 -1.116271
YO30 5UQ 12 0 53.986033 -1.113527
YO30 5UR 33 0 53.986136 -1.117704
YO30 5US 25 0 53.985751 -1.119191
YO30 5UT 23 0 53.98551 -1.119471
YO30 5UU 33 0 53.98477 -1.116604