all postcodes in YO30 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO30 5UW 2 0 53.986172 -1.116614
YO30 5UX 10 0 53.984334 -1.114707
YO30 5UY 20 0 53.984615 -1.115097
YO30 5UZ 27 0 53.983979 -1.112961
YO30 5WA 13 0 53.988457 -1.118005
YO30 5WB 47 0 53.989238 -1.115472
YO30 5WD 12 0 53.989071 -1.117184
YO30 5WE 6 0 53.989496 -1.116306
YO30 5WF 9 0 53.989784 -1.115201
YO30 5WG 26 0 53.988646 -1.115576
YO30 5WH 10 0 53.990102 -1.114417
YO30 5WJ 10 0 53.99012 -1.11315
YO30 5WL 36 0 53.990141 -1.112403
YO30 5WN 8 0 53.989563 -1.113269
YO30 5WQ 10 0 53.989114 -1.114453
YO30 5XA 4 0 53.98437 -1.113541
YO30 5XB 20 0 53.98364 -1.115698
YO30 5XD 3 0 53.983787 -1.117372
YO30 5XE 32 0 53.984471 -1.117525
YO30 5XF 1 1 53.983256 -1.117307