all postcodes in YO / York

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District

YO / York

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO1 9XD 1 1 53.957998 -1.078764
YO1 9XF 4 2 53.957 -1.075189
YO1 9XG 16 0 53.956132 -1.072145
YO1 9XQ 24 0 53.956001 -1.07259
YO1 9YN 1 1 53.96043 -1.092336
YO1 9YW 1 1 53.96043 -1.092336
YO7 1AA 33 14 54.233551 -1.342002
YO7 1AB 16 0 54.234254 -1.341506
YO7 1AD 10 0 54.234669 -1.34173
YO7 1AE 12 0 54.233652 -1.341577
YO7 1AF 15 0 54.235147 -1.342013
YO7 1AG 8 0 54.235704 -1.342081
YO7 1AH 13 0 54.234458 -1.341043
YO7 1AJ 20 0 54.234095 -1.340266
YO7 1AN 5 0 54.234845 -1.339456
YO7 1AP 26 1 54.234081 -1.33693
YO7 1AQ 21 5 54.235204 -1.341031
YO7 1AR 30 0 54.23866 -1.34027
YO7 1AS 11 0 54.23581 -1.339978
YO7 1AU 21 3 54.235788 -1.339349