all postcodes in AB11 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB11 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB11 6BD 8 6 57.146596 -2.098131
AB11 6BE 25 16 57.145345 -2.100656
AB11 6BG 2 2 57.14567 -2.10116
AB11 6BH 15 8 57.146121 -2.099624
AB11 6BP 1 1 57.145218 -2.102176
AB11 6BQ 8 5 57.144598 -2.105139
AB11 6BR 26 10 57.144497 -2.105347
AB11 6BS 15 2 57.144046 -2.107246
AB11 6BT 21 8 57.143875 -2.107741
AB11 6BX 5 4 57.143622 -2.108666
AB11 6DA 14 9 57.143337 -2.109465
AB11 6DB 12 9 57.14303 -2.110704
AB11 6DD 56 0 57.143725 -2.104204
AB11 6DE 6 3 57.141463 -2.10556
AB11 6DH 3 3 57.142061 -2.106761
AB11 6DJ 37 15 57.14278 -2.106333
AB11 6DL 10 3 57.142761 -2.107573
AB11 6DN 3 1 57.141837 -2.106281
AB11 6DP 34 4 57.14331 -2.108903
AB11 6DQ 3 1 57.144713 -2.104405