all postcodes in AB11 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB11 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB11 5NX 2 1 57.146437 -2.097378
AB11 5PA 15 14 57.146461 -2.097354
AB11 5PB 6 6 57.144396 -2.087771
AB11 5PG 3 3 57.14305 -2.0813
AB11 5PH 4 3 57.143989 -2.088242
AB11 5PJ 10 10 57.144381 -2.095042
AB11 5PL 52 6 57.146069 -2.096881
AB11 5PP 42 3 57.14288 -2.09318
AB11 5PQ 21 3 57.142261 -2.092237
AB11 5PT 1 1 57.141472 -2.090202
AB11 5PU 2 2 57.144351 -2.087523
AB11 5PW 17 17 57.144942 -2.090185
AB11 5PY 18 8 57.146399 -2.096478
AB11 5PZ 1 1 57.145719 -2.095624
AB11 5QD 2 2 57.14163 -2.086245
AB11 5QE 12 1 57.145591 -2.096244
AB11 5QF 3 3 57.140881 -2.090952
AB11 5QH 6 6 57.139783 -2.094105
AB11 5QL 8 5 57.140922 -2.093886
AB11 5QN 21 2 57.142611 -2.093295