all postcodes in AB11 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB11 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB11 5HB 0 57.14286 -2.068427
AB11 5DH 5 57.145459 -2.079718
AB11 5ER 46 0 57.146916 -2.089505
AB11 5PD 34 0 57.146848 -2.096677
AB11 5PF 3 57.142342 -2.095599
AB11 5PN 32 57.144441 -2.096192
AB11 5PS 11 57.144369 -2.096192
AB11 5RA 7 57.144479 -2.096678
AB11 5RD 8 57.143483 -2.094891
AB11 5RG 31 57.144369 -2.096076
AB11 5HP 0 57.149199 -2.09203
AB11 5BG 1 57.14848 -2.091946
AB11 5FN 2 2 57.148869 -2.088311
AB11 5FE 2 2 57.147421 -2.088019
AB11 5FD 10 0 57.148211 -2.091466
AB11 6EX 20 5 57.143763 -2.102155
AB11 6AW 55 0 57.143905 -2.103792
AB11 6AY 36 1 57.144202 -2.103462
AB11 6BA 7 5 57.144875 -2.104224
AB11 6BB 27 14 57.145184 -2.103026