all postcodes in AB11 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB11 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB11 5QP 21 8 57.142119 -2.093285
AB11 5QR 6 4 57.141075 -2.093225
AB11 5QW 1 1 57.141238 -2.078239
AB11 5QX 6 6 57.140984 -2.09491
AB11 5RB 10 10 57.139593 -2.095675
AB11 5RE 4 4 57.139257 -2.097037
AB11 5RH 1 1 57.141516 -2.091657
AB11 5RJ 4 4 57.138371 -2.095903
AB11 5RL 3 2 57.139045 -2.095491
AB11 5RN 1 1 57.13738 -2.096686
AB11 5RW 7 7 57.141785 -2.092963
AB11 5SS 1 1 57.146339 -2.093437
AB11 5TJ 1 1 57.147124 -2.091876
AB11 5YD 1 1 57.11134 -2.094009
AB11 5YL 1 1 57.11134 -2.094009
AB11 5YU 1 1 57.148064 -2.092334
AB11 5ZH 1 1 57.11134 -2.094009
AB11 5QA 1 1 57.141655 -2.086237
AB11 5EF 1 1 57.147528 -2.088399
AB11 5EJ 11 57.14916 -2.082775