all postcodes in AB33 / ALFORD

find any address or company within the AB33 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB33 8JD 10 0 57.186937 -2.689384
AB33 8LT 3 0 57.170993 -2.763038
AB33 8JE 7 1 57.181907 -2.70156
AB33 8JF 3 1 57.174368 -2.719313
AB33 8JG 2 0 57.165126 -2.718178
AB33 8JH 4 0 57.180082 -2.709846
AB33 8JJ 10 0 57.173371 -2.693018
AB33 8JL 6 0 57.174556 -2.705159
AB33 8JN 4 0 57.16604 -2.722623
AB33 8JP 5 0 57.169537 -2.743644
AB33 8JR 13 0 57.178005 -2.751704
AB33 8JS 5 0 57.184585 -2.762905
AB33 8JT 1 0 57.207375 -2.698319
AB33 8JU 18 1 57.19748 -2.724363
AB33 8JX 23 0 57.197848 -2.731308
AB33 8JY 1 0 57.196043 -2.772574
AB33 8LA 7 0 57.190126 -2.790751
AB33 8LB 11 0 57.190384 -2.796878
AB33 8LD 18 0 57.185776 -2.81774
AB33 8LE 1 0 57.19523 -2.804678