all postcodes in AB33 / ALFORD

find any address or company within the AB33 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB33 8UH 11 0 57.231976 -2.694113
AB33 8UJ 6 0 57.231839 -2.696048
AB33 8WA 1 1 57.232151 -2.702995
AB33 8WB 2 1 57.233466 -2.703997
AB33 8WD 4 1 57.236435 -2.709571
AB33 8XB 5 0 57.23396 -2.705547
AB33 8YJ 1 1 57.231534 -2.700929
AB33 8DG 15 1 57.231893 -2.700079
AB33 8EW 2 2 57.232565 -2.70029
AB33 8FF 0 57.228979 -2.69187
AB33 8FG 0 57.228732 -2.69271
AB33 8FH 0 57.22899 -2.694752
AB33 8FJ 0 57.229883 -2.694074
AB33 8RW 0 57.202671 -2.929841
AB33 8DZ 13 0 57.258386 -2.651183
AB33 8TG 37 0 57.232988 -2.713911
AB33 8TH 30 0 57.233651 -2.712665
AB33 8TJ 5 0 57.233115 -2.713615
AB33 8TQ 4 0 57.233708 -2.713709
AB33 8UL 2 0 57.234029 -2.714697