all postcodes in AB33 / ALFORD

find any address or company within the AB33 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB33 8LH 12 1 57.185603 -2.794376
AB33 8LJ 5 0 57.184484 -2.782342
AB33 8LL 9 0 57.174774 -2.80066
AB33 8LN 7 0 57.167916 -2.795535
AB33 8LP 6 0 57.153443 -2.781422
AB33 8LQ 9 0 57.157827 -2.807687
AB33 8LR 6 0 57.169166 -2.776677
AB33 8LS 2 0 57.174723 -2.775209
AB33 8LU 4 0 57.162844 -2.752834
AB33 8LX 3 0 57.166293 -2.74011
AB33 8LY 2 0 57.237079 -2.702844
AB33 8NA 14 1 57.242085 -2.70166
AB33 8NB 8 0 57.235224 -2.724921
AB33 8ND 1 0 57.234109 -2.72041
AB33 8NE 15 0 57.227926 -2.720902
AB33 8NJ 7 0 57.229818 -2.735449
AB33 8NF 23 1 57.233085 -2.706326
AB33 8NG 11 0 57.233531 -2.706715
AB33 8NH 6 0 57.224116 -2.729559
AB33 8NL 9 0 57.233476 -2.741303