all postcodes in AB33 / ALFORD

find any address or company within the AB33 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB33 8QP 9 0 57.252153 -2.736557
AB33 8QQ 10 0 57.258586 -2.725512
AB33 8QR 29 0 57.26943 -2.737631
AB33 8QS 3 1 57.241282 -2.893182
AB33 8QT 1 0 57.246626 -2.881927
AB33 8QU 1 0 57.246351 -2.873684
AB33 8QW 55 0 57.233864 -2.708279
AB33 8QX 1 0 57.24466 -2.880472
AB33 8QY 13 0 57.236888 -2.879375
AB33 8QZ 12 0 57.234319 -2.707178
AB33 8RA 9 2 57.236231 -2.904839
AB33 8RB 2 0 57.230943 -2.897523
AB33 8RD 10 0 57.248925 -2.895953
AB33 8RE 7 1 57.212029 -2.935588
AB33 8RH 2 0 57.211453 -2.932661
AB33 8RJ 3 0 57.209549 -2.922347
AB33 8RL 2 0 57.208604 -2.940138
AB33 8RN 11 2 57.203141 -2.930598
AB33 8RP 3 0 57.204005 -2.914464
AB33 8RQ 3 0 57.206998 -2.904968