all postcodes in AB33 / ALFORD

find any address or company within the AB33 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB33 8NN 28 0 57.235794 -2.753327
AB33 8NP 16 0 57.229958 -2.748222
AB33 8NQ 5 0 57.22809 -2.767497
AB33 8NR 9 0 57.222676 -2.759667
AB33 8NS 9 0 57.217439 -2.74683
AB33 8NT 2 0 57.201886 -2.739746
AB33 8NU 18 1 57.191069 -2.736151
AB33 8NW 2 1 57.24143 -2.714973
AB33 8NX 6 0 57.195648 -2.757788
AB33 8NY 7 0 57.203426 -2.778571
AB33 8PA 4 0 57.201772 -2.756722
AB33 8PB 11 0 57.244465 -2.728632
AB33 8PD 4 0 57.243091 -2.742225
AB33 8PE 2 0 57.242452 -2.752224
AB33 8PF 3 0 57.231906 -2.705077
AB33 8PG 6 0 57.244394 -2.726907
AB33 8PH 2 0 57.250024 -2.878315
AB33 8PJ 3 0 57.255346 -2.87461
AB33 8PL 8 2 57.262055 -2.870973
AB33 8PN 1 0 57.263518 -2.869863