all postcodes in AB33 / ALFORD

find any address or company within the AB33 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB33 8PP 6 0 57.261183 -2.863276
AB33 8PQ 9 0 57.251347 -2.847335
AB33 8PR 15 0 57.250743 -2.812218
AB33 8PS 9 0 57.245079 -2.765779
AB33 8PT 1 0 57.251367 -2.752485
AB33 8PU 4 0 57.248319 -2.746029
AB33 8PW 40 0 57.234858 -2.710501
AB33 8PX 30 11 57.231811 -2.701133
AB33 8PY 10 2 57.231746 -2.707099
AB33 8PZ 9 0 57.234946 -2.709161
AB33 8QA 14 3 57.23245 -2.702537
AB33 8QB 6 1 57.233738 -2.705195
AB33 8QD 22 0 57.235344 -2.707098
AB33 8QE 7 0 57.238836 -2.720121
AB33 8QF 1 0 57.256948 -2.727701
AB33 8QG 8 1 57.232569 -2.703781
AB33 8QH 6 0 57.240174 -2.728083
AB33 8QJ 11 1 57.243633 -2.727144
AB33 8QL 21 0 57.246612 -2.723918
AB33 8QN 10 1 57.25125 -2.723429