all postcodes in BN5 / STEYNING

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN5 9DZ 9 7 50.927791 -0.277983
BN5 9EA 4 0 50.927493 -0.275104
BN5 9EB 2 0 50.927556 -0.275488
BN5 9EE 4 0 50.931597 -0.273529
BN5 9EG 28 0 50.926348 -0.273069
BN5 9EH 2 0 50.927532 -0.275688
BN5 9EJ 4 0 50.927337 -0.27588
BN5 9EL 3 0 50.92799 -0.27624
BN5 9EP 3 0 50.928027 -0.276578
BN5 9EQ 9 6 50.930641 -0.271801
BN5 9ES 16 0 50.927206 -0.276965
BN5 9ET 6 0 50.927436 -0.276145
BN5 9EU 2 0 50.927324 -0.276179
BN5 9EX 6 0 50.92735 -0.276404
BN5 9EZ 83 0 50.937952 -0.276297
BN5 9HA 14 0 50.928425 -0.275468
BN5 9HB 9 0 50.927685 -0.277132
BN5 9HD 48 1 50.929942 -0.275044
BN5 9HE 6 0 50.937822 -0.272402
BN5 9HF 28 1 50.93808 -0.274058