all postcodes in BR5 / ORPINGTON

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR5 1QP 0 51.388334 0.087375
BR5 1QQ 0 51.385972 0.084652
BR5 1QR 0 51.388805 0.085169
BR5 1QS 0 51.38912 0.08468
BR5 1QT 0 51.38668 0.088838
BR5 1QU 0 51.386678 0.089456
BR5 1QW 1 51.389699 0.084965
BR5 1QX 0 51.38685 0.090441
BR5 1QY 0 51.389669 0.092179
BR5 1QZ 0 51.386677 0.091037
BR5 1RB 0 51.389453 0.092701
BR5 1RD 1 51.390368 0.096351
BR5 1GY 0 51.390496 0.093726
BR5 1GX 0 51.392351 0.093092
BR5 1RE 0 51.39205 0.095824
BR5 1GW 0 51.391971 0.092701
BR5 1RF 0 51.391779 0.09538
BR5 1RG 0 51.393048 0.091298
BR5 1RH 0 51.39102 0.095604
BR5 1GU 0 51.391071 0.093278