all postcodes in BR5 / ORPINGTON

find any address or company within the BR5 postcode district

Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR5 1JH 0 51.384362 0.079117
BR5 1JJ 0 51.38414 0.079998
BR5 1JL 0 51.382675 0.080924
BR5 1JN 0 51.382416 0.08186
BR5 1JP 0 51.384337 0.080539
BR5 1JQ 0 51.385985 0.078386
BR5 1JR 0 51.383374 0.082119
BR5 1JS 0 51.382283 0.083277
BR5 1JT 0 51.390774 0.088205
BR5 1JU 0 51.390581 0.084933
BR5 1JW 0 51.385404 0.079725
BR5 1JX 0 51.390439 0.081793
BR5 1JY 0 51.390235 0.077558
BR5 1JZ 6 51.390111 0.075425
BR5 1LA 7 51.390084 0.073915
BR5 1LB 0 51.391172 0.088094
BR5 1LD 0 51.391037 0.085055
BR5 1LE 0 51.390847 0.082128
BR5 1LF 0 51.390631 0.077533
BR5 1LG 10 51.390492 0.07527