all postcodes in BR5 / ORPINGTON

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR5 1RJ 0 51.391358 0.095792
BR5 1RL 0 51.394209 0.090762
BR5 1RP 0 51.38451 0.068817
BR5 1RQ 0 51.393091 0.091962
BR5 1RS 0 51.373837 0.070163
BR5 1RT 0 51.374214 0.072263
BR5 1RU 0 51.373659 0.072667
BR5 1RX 0 51.374568 0.073084
BR5 1RY 0 51.377472 0.074652
BR5 1RZ 0 51.377851 0.075057
BR5 1SA 0 51.382136 0.085455
BR5 1SB 0 51.381785 0.084447
BR5 1SG 1 51.388841 0.072507
BR5 1SH 0 51.380154 0.081125
BR5 1SN 1 51.38944 0.075725
BR5 1GA 21 0 51.382743 0.085195
BR5 1FD 6 0 51.391225 0.068404
BR5 1FA 2 0 51.375194 0.077421