all postcodes in BR5 / ORPINGTON

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR5 1HH 0 51.374559 0.075613
BR5 1HJ 0 51.376611 0.076553
BR5 1HL 0 51.375357 0.076755
BR5 1HN 0 51.376534 0.074797
BR5 1HP 0 51.378392 0.077008
BR5 1HQ 0 51.375271 0.073518
BR5 1HR 0 51.385428 0.082414
BR5 1HS 0 51.383504 0.084367
BR5 1HT 0 51.385794 0.080016
BR5 1HU 0 51.386017 0.079624
BR5 1HW 0 51.377054 0.07334
BR5 1HX 0 51.383554 0.085634
BR5 1HY 0 51.385017 0.082306
BR5 1HZ 0 51.386845 0.079057
BR5 1JA 0 51.384906 0.083957
BR5 1JB 0 51.387037 0.081452
BR5 1JD 0 51.386776 0.081929
BR5 1JE 0 51.38792 0.080354
BR5 1JF 0 51.387545 0.080699
BR5 1JG 0 51.385905 0.077836