all postcodes in BR5 / ORPINGTON

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR5 1PP 0 51.391312 0.077204
BR5 1PQ 0 51.391942 0.075134
BR5 1PR 0 51.392056 0.086926
BR5 1PS 0 51.391934 0.083672
BR5 1PT 0 51.391842 0.081282
BR5 1PU 0 51.391672 0.077178
BR5 1PW 0 51.391533 0.081469
BR5 1PX 0 51.393028 0.086367
BR5 1PY 0 51.392955 0.082411
BR5 1PZ 0 51.392636 0.085659
BR5 1QA 0 51.392579 0.08179
BR5 1QB 0 51.386854 0.084634
BR5 1QD 0 51.387089 0.085076
BR5 1QE 0 51.388943 0.081507
BR5 1QF 0 51.385244 0.086703
BR5 1QG 0 51.385825 0.085335
BR5 1QH 0 51.386448 0.083725
BR5 1QJ 0 51.389648 0.088312
BR5 1QL 0 51.389942 0.082935
BR5 1QN 0 51.390124 0.086364