all postcodes in BR5 / ORPINGTON

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR5 1LH 2 51.388791 0.078424
BR5 1LJ 0 51.387589 0.078717
BR5 1LL 0 51.38841 0.079042
BR5 1LN 1 51.389475 0.077337
BR5 1LP 0 51.389073 0.07969
BR5 1LQ 0 51.388593 0.077886
BR5 1LT 1 51.389839 0.074565
BR5 1LU 1 51.389689 0.074371
BR5 1LW 0 51.389154 0.077682
BR5 1LY 10 51.389695 0.07555
BR5 1LZ 12 51.388992 0.075199
BR5 1NA 13 51.389546 0.074376
BR5 1NB 0 51.39201 0.072809
BR5 1ND 0 51.392584 0.072878
BR5 1NE 0 51.394283 0.070382
BR5 1NF 0 51.396173 0.072868
BR5 1NG 0 51.395087 0.071712
BR5 1NH 0 51.394611 0.072711
BR5 1NJ 0 51.394386 0.073189
BR5 1NN 0 51.393871 0.074388