all postcodes in BS16 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS16 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS16 4SR 31 0 51.475728 -2.502086
BS16 4SS 20 0 51.475805 -2.500863
BS16 4ST 14 0 51.474969 -2.502985
BS16 4SU 16 0 51.475849 -2.502765
BS16 4SW 5 0 51.477372 -2.502479
BS16 4SX 22 0 51.476755 -2.503667
BS16 4SY 34 0 51.477801 -2.503059
BS16 4SZ 19 0 51.476028 -2.503486
BS16 4TA 11 0 51.476293 -2.504439
BS16 4TB 27 0 51.47766 -2.504325
BS16 4TD 34 0 51.477594 -2.504786
BS16 4TF 41 0 51.479434 -2.505612
BS16 4TG 25 1 51.480486 -2.505969
BS16 4TH 10 0 51.478895 -2.507838
BS16 4TQ 24 0 51.477709 -2.503577
BS16 4XY 1 51.47846 -2.526524
BS16 4BL 14 0 51.47274 -2.508907
BS16 4BN 14 0 51.476351 -2.511798
BS16 4DR 0 51.472016 -2.516313
BS16 4DS 18 0 51.47623 -2.510659