all postcodes in BS16 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS16 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS16 4JA 33 0 51.478358 -2.515622
BS16 4JB 23 0 51.478092 -2.514611
BS16 4JD 32 0 51.47816 -2.513532
BS16 4JE 24 0 51.477906 -2.513961
BS16 4JF 27 0 51.477479 -2.51505
BS16 4JG 39 0 51.477173 -2.515191
BS16 4JH 26 0 51.476961 -2.516384
BS16 4JJ 18 0 51.476383 -2.516924
BS16 4JL 36 0 51.476592 -2.514364
BS16 4JN 18 0 51.475827 -2.514427
BS16 4JP 26 0 51.475569 -2.513949
BS16 4JQ 11 0 51.477494 -2.517671
BS16 4JR 18 0 51.474391 -2.513993
BS16 4JS 7 0 51.473924 -2.513686
BS16 4JT 12 0 51.473866 -2.512735
BS16 4JU 20 0 51.474229 -2.511774
BS16 4JW 8 1 51.47666 -2.513112
BS16 4JX 8 0 51.47379 -2.511524
BS16 4JY 15 0 51.473194 -2.512036
BS16 4JZ 23 0 51.47236 -2.51148