all postcodes in BS16 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS16 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS16 4PH 22 0 51.474198 -2.510766
BS16 4PJ 15 0 51.474794 -2.510153
BS16 4PL 13 0 51.474968 -2.51148
BS16 4PN 20 0 51.47488 -2.513135
BS16 4PP 27 0 51.475601 -2.510609
BS16 4PQ 19 0 51.473147 -2.51038
BS16 4PR 24 0 51.475336 -2.511628
BS16 4PS 2 0 51.476381 -2.508732
BS16 4PT 39 3 51.476668 -2.511054
BS16 4PW 29 0 51.475584 -2.512423
BS16 4PX 15 0 51.477165 -2.510785
BS16 4PY 42 0 51.4776 -2.511697
BS16 4PZ 10 0 51.472709 -2.509785
BS16 4QA 15 0 51.475016 -2.508314
BS16 4QE 23 0 51.477862 -2.505609
BS16 4QG 25 3 51.480267 -2.50673
BS16 4QH 12 1 51.479337 -2.507598
BS16 4QJ 23 0 51.478037 -2.50636
BS16 4QL 23 0 51.47901 -2.506154
BS16 4QN 8 0 51.478402 -2.505413