all postcodes in BS16 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS16 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS16 4LA 16 0 51.472814 -2.512709
BS16 4LB 15 0 51.47254 -2.513569
BS16 4LD 9 0 51.473414 -2.513277
BS16 4LE 8 1 51.472881 -2.513818
BS16 4LF 22 0 51.472375 -2.514374
BS16 4LL 10 0 51.480986 -2.514888
BS16 4LN 29 0 51.480378 -2.516134
BS16 4LP 28 0 51.479502 -2.51516
BS16 4LR 29 0 51.480096 -2.514849
BS16 4LS 18 0 51.479578 -2.512093
BS16 4LT 29 0 51.480485 -2.514091
BS16 4LU 26 0 51.479681 -2.513174
BS16 4LW 33 1 51.480354 -2.515659
BS16 4LX 40 0 51.480179 -2.512
BS16 4LY 28 0 51.480639 -2.512105
BS16 4LZ 27 0 51.480706 -2.512783
BS16 4NA 19 0 51.480628 -2.510118
BS16 4NB 33 1 51.47983 -2.509562
BS16 4ND 8 0 51.479499 -2.509242
BS16 4NE 13 6 51.480454 -2.508691