all postcodes in BS16 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS16 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS16 4NF 3 0 51.476673 -2.512176
BS16 4NG 13 0 51.48088 -2.510423
BS16 4NJ 19 0 51.479876 -2.511348
BS16 4NL 16 0 51.479096 -2.510821
BS16 4NN 20 0 51.478451 -2.512714
BS16 4NP 12 0 51.478207 -2.508924
BS16 4NQ 6 0 51.477922 -2.508201
BS16 4NR 13 0 51.478989 -2.509106
BS16 4NS 19 0 51.478043 -2.509441
BS16 4NT 13 4 51.477496 -2.508701
BS16 4NU 18 0 51.476147 -2.50906
BS16 4NW 21 3 51.478652 -2.510081
BS16 4NX 1 1 51.477865 -2.508576
BS16 4NY 18 3 51.477162 -2.509374
BS16 4NZ 33 0 51.476227 -2.509478
BS16 4PA 17 1 51.475255 -2.50964
BS16 4PB 11 0 51.475366 -2.508792
BS16 4PD 44 0 51.47407 -2.509166
BS16 4PE 6 0 51.474225 -2.508722
BS16 4PF 23 0 51.473202 -2.509964