all postcodes in BS16 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS16 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS16 4QP 22 5 51.476997 -2.508105
BS16 4QQ 30 0 51.479033 -2.507191
BS16 4QR 22 3 51.477464 -2.507736
BS16 4QS 55 0 51.476915 -2.50593
BS16 4QT 10 2 51.476585 -2.505279
BS16 4QU 10 0 51.475095 -2.507032
BS16 4QW 9 1 51.478076 -2.508073
BS16 4QX 5 0 51.477053 -2.505485
BS16 4QY 18 0 51.475754 -2.504089
BS16 4QZ 32 0 51.475707 -2.506953
BS16 4RA 20 0 51.476638 -2.50754
BS16 4RB 20 0 51.475934 -2.508194
BS16 4RD 13 1 51.475641 -2.507744
BS16 4RE 12 1 51.474586 -2.508294
BS16 4RF 36 1 51.474571 -2.505472
BS16 4RG 16 0 51.474128 -2.501982
BS16 4RH 22 3 51.472748 -2.50682
BS16 4RJ 11 0 51.472052 -2.505919
BS16 4RN 35 0 51.472143 -2.50736
BS16 4RP 24 1 51.472083 -2.509072