all postcodes in BS23 / WESTON-SUPER-MARE

find any address or company within the BS23 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS23 1HG 7 0 51.347527 -2.974637
BS23 1HJ 1 1 51.349187 -2.979396
BS23 1HL 38 33 51.348509 -2.980266
BS23 1HN 20 7 51.350833 -2.979388
BS23 1HP 14 9 51.350664 -2.979155
BS23 1HQ 1 1 51.350277 -2.979543
BS23 1HS 11 9 51.34936 -2.979113
BS23 1HU 1 1 51.349423 -2.979128
BS23 1HZ 1 1 51.346595 -2.977913
BS23 1JA 14 9 51.348141 -2.978642
BS23 1JB 1 1 51.34859 -2.978709
BS23 1JE 1 1 51.347768 -2.97847
BS23 1JF 9 8 51.347092 -2.978346
BS23 1JU 23 7 51.350589 -2.980589
BS23 1JH 1 1 51.346843 -2.977982
BS23 1JL 1 1 51.350277 -2.979543
BS23 1JN 18 10 51.350245 -2.980188
BS23 1JP 1 1 51.350299 -2.981195
BS23 1JR 5 3 51.350354 -2.979975
BS23 1JT 22 4 51.350514 -2.979798