all postcodes in CA28 / WHITEHAVEN

find any address or company within the CA28 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA28 7SL 0 54.546941 -3.584501
CA28 7SN 0 54.54682 -3.584172
CA28 7TU 0 54.541785 -3.582245
CA28 7QN 0 54.545747 -3.589912
CA28 7BF 27 0 54.546213 -3.588493
CA28 7EE 5 0 54.548641 -3.587814
CA28 7HR 33 0 54.550059 -3.588689
CA28 7UJ 5 5 54.550083 -3.588783
CA28 7HS 2 2 54.550272 -3.590243
CA28 7ST 7 0 54.547944 -3.583442
CA28 7NE 1 54.546295 -3.591851
CA28 7UN 1 0 54.550218 -3.587504
CA28 7QG 14 0 54.547791 -3.593579