all postcodes in CA28 / WHITEHAVEN

find any address or company within the CA28 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA28 7ET 9 5 54.549361 -3.587069
CA28 7EU 10 2 54.549048 -3.586253
CA28 7EW 7 1 54.549835 -3.588618
CA28 7EX 14 0 54.549334 -3.586434
CA28 7EY 47 1 54.550016 -3.585811
CA28 7EZ 6 0 54.550217 -3.586917
CA28 7HA 10 0 54.550874 -3.586138
CA28 7HB 10 0 54.550359 -3.586365
CA28 7HD 5 0 54.55128 -3.586046
CA28 7HE 14 2 54.551373 -3.585091
CA28 7HF 10 0 54.551279 -3.584082
CA28 7HG 1 1 54.551357 -3.58291
CA28 7HH 9 0 54.551476 -3.582048
CA28 7HL 15 0 54.552708 -3.581323
CA28 7HN 20 0 54.552084 -3.582335
CA28 7HQ 3 0 54.551372 -3.582446
CA28 7HT 2 0 54.548496 -3.588458
CA28 7HU 2 2 54.545337 -3.590871
CA28 7HX 2 2 54.545222 -3.591438
CA28 7HZ 18 10 54.546208 -3.590967