all postcodes in CA28 / WHITEHAVEN

find any address or company within the CA28 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA28 7QR 11 0 54.544855 -3.589383
CA28 7QS 31 0 54.544907 -3.588813
CA28 7QT 41 2 54.544971 -3.588089
CA28 7QW 25 2 54.54551 -3.59015
CA28 7QX 7 0 54.545605 -3.587016
CA28 7QY 1 1 54.54591 -3.586332
CA28 7QZ 1 1 54.546422 -3.585687
CA28 7RA 33 0 54.545453 -3.582867
CA28 7RB 11 5 54.546902 -3.585458
CA28 7RE 9 0 54.545134 -3.582514
CA28 7RF 9 1 54.546614 -3.584659
CA28 7RG 1 1 54.545056 -3.586392
CA28 7RJ 1 1 54.544807 -3.585485
CA28 7RP 2 1 54.543819 -3.582588
CA28 7RQ 4 4 54.544534 -3.585026
CA28 7RR 1 0 54.543898 -3.581461
CA28 7RS 10 0 54.543969 -3.580877
CA28 7RT 22 0 54.544189 -3.579834
CA28 7RU 2 0 54.544623 -3.579511
CA28 7RW 7 3 54.544252 -3.583238