all postcodes in CA28 / WHITEHAVEN

find any address or company within the CA28 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA28 7DB 15 0 54.545465 -3.590706
CA28 7BY 21 0 54.545889 -3.58998
CA28 7BZ 6 0 54.546903 -3.589493
CA28 7DA 1 0 54.54704 -3.587891
CA28 7DG 14 10 54.547847 -3.588092
CA28 7DJ 7 3 54.548019 -3.588687
CA28 7DN 1 1 54.548116 -3.588814
CA28 7DP 5 5 54.548498 -3.589
CA28 7DS 11 5 54.548299 -3.588451
CA28 7DT 1 1 54.548407 -3.588578
CA28 7DW 3 3 54.548326 -3.589255
CA28 7DY 26 4 54.548744 -3.588204
CA28 7EB 19 12 54.548476 -3.588101
CA28 7EG 11 0 54.548875 -3.587808
CA28 7EH 9 5 54.549202 -3.587542
CA28 7EL 3 2 54.549358 -3.587966
CA28 7EN 11 3 54.549478 -3.588465
CA28 7EQ 9 0 54.548926 -3.587346
CA28 7ER 10 8 54.54956 -3.58768
CA28 7ES 3 2 54.549634 -3.587343