all postcodes in CA28 / WHITEHAVEN

find any address or company within the CA28 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA28 7JA 1 1 54.548059 -3.583524
CA28 7JB 22 16 54.546923 -3.591242
CA28 7JD 17 4 54.547292 -3.590653
CA28 7JE 3 2 54.547686 -3.590714
CA28 7JG 7 7 54.547526 -3.591188
CA28 7JH 14 12 54.548259 -3.590088
CA28 7JN 16 14 54.547898 -3.58964
CA28 7JS 2 1 54.548534 -3.589666
CA28 7JU 10 3 54.548963 -3.589991
CA28 7LA 19 14 54.548974 -3.588476
CA28 7LE 14 13 54.549073 -3.589022
CA28 7LF 17 1 54.549283 -3.58889
CA28 7LH 24 0 54.548432 -3.591439
CA28 7LJ 1 1 54.548875 -3.589833
CA28 7LL 3 2 54.548731 -3.590539
CA28 7LN 9 1 54.548545 -3.591072
CA28 7LR 16 3 54.547931 -3.591961
CA28 7LS 1 1 54.547356 -3.591938
CA28 7LW 14 1 54.548379 -3.590695
CA28 7LY 1 1 54.548585 -3.594677