all postcodes in CA28 / WHITEHAVEN

find any address or company within the CA28 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA28 7RX 7 0 54.544276 -3.579358
CA28 7RY 5 0 54.544326 -3.578262
CA28 7RZ 6 0 54.544841 -3.578112
CA28 7SA 10 0 54.544996 -3.577871
CA28 7SB 12 0 54.54568 -3.577124
CA28 7SD 7 0 54.545751 -3.575133
CA28 7SE 12 0 54.545918 -3.57684
CA28 7SF 6 0 54.546952 -3.578874
CA28 7SG 1 0 54.548257 -3.578739
CA28 7SH 1 1 54.546644 -3.585912
CA28 7TB 5 0 54.542143 -3.585645
CA28 7TD 1 1 54.54308 -3.585604
CA28 7TE 24 6 54.543132 -3.583642
CA28 7TG 50 0 54.542302 -3.583208
CA28 7TN 15 0 54.540965 -3.573387
CA28 7TP 8 0 54.5431 -3.579235
CA28 7TQ 3 0 54.541513 -3.58242
CA28 7TS 4 0 54.542497 -3.578533
CA28 7TT 6 0 54.542065 -3.577943
CA28 7TW 20 0 54.543746 -3.573123