all postcodes in CA / Carlisle

find any address or company within the CA postcode area

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District

CA / Carlisle

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA1 1LF 1 54.89419 -2.922702
CA1 1LG 2 54.894153 -2.920518
CA1 1LH 1 54.89422 -2.91525
CA1 1LJ 3 54.894579 -2.915305
CA1 1LL 1 54.895816 -2.914475
CA1 1LN 1 54.895212 -2.914695
CA1 1LP 3 54.894638 -2.918237
CA1 1LQ 0 54.894161 -2.918305
CA1 1LR 3 54.895092 -2.919978
CA1 1LS 2 54.896484 -2.918501
CA1 1LT 1 54.895011 -2.921162
CA1 1LU 3 54.894585 -2.922805
CA1 1LW 1 54.89532 -2.918284
CA1 1LY 1 54.895837 -2.92332
CA1 1LZ 0 54.896588 -2.926129
CA1 1NA 1 54.896951 -2.924824
CA1 1NB 1 54.896743 -2.927329
CA1 1NE 0 54.89651 -2.928169
CA1 1NL 8 54.89262 -2.930278
CA1 1NS 3 54.891849 -2.928935