all postcodes in CA / Carlisle

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Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District

CA / Carlisle

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA1 1NG 27 0 54.893407 -2.926395
CA1 1AF 10 0 54.893917 -2.931381
CA1 1SL 2 0 54.890384 -2.929241
CA1 1AB 4 54.892405 -2.931767
CA1 1NJ 1 1 54.896006 -2.930883
CA1 1RD 1 1 54.890523 -2.928359
CA1 2AA 3 54.891788 -2.925422
CA1 2AB 0 54.891877 -2.926395
CA1 2AD 0 54.89145 -2.925917
CA1 2AE 1 54.889861 -2.927109
CA1 2AF 0 54.891093 -2.925472
CA1 2AG 2 54.892318 -2.924019
CA1 2AH 1 54.89349 -2.923824
CA1 2AJ 0 54.892625 -2.921668
CA1 2AL 1 54.893332 -2.920983
CA1 2AN 0 54.893592 -2.919773
CA1 2AP 0 54.893759 -2.918798
CA1 2AQ 0 54.893517 -2.922254
CA1 2AR 1 54.893335 -2.918208
CA1 2AS 0 54.8931 -2.919188