all postcodes in CB / Cambridge

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Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District

CB / Cambridge

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB1 0AQ 1 0 52.192267 0.137208
CB1 0AS 1 1 52.192267 0.137208
CB1 0AT 1 1 52.192267 0.137208
CB1 0AU 1 0 52.192267 0.137208
CB1 0AX 1 1 52.192267 0.137208
CB1 0AY 1 1 52.192267 0.137208
CB1 0AZ 1 0 52.192267 0.137208
CB1 1AZ 2 0 52.20515 0.130918
CB1 1BB 86 0 52.202459 0.132752
CB1 1BD 2 2 52.203542 0.132555
CB1 1BG 18 15 52.204646 0.133164
CB1 1BH 8 8 52.203489 0.13179
CB1 1BL 1 0 52.204891 0.134551
CB1 1BN 12 0 52.205292 0.134746
CB1 1BP 14 0 52.205694 0.13538
CB1 1BS 16 0 52.205895 0.135712
CB1 1BU 8 0 52.207395 0.137745
CB1 1BW 16 0 52.205457 0.135032
CB1 1BX 34 1 52.207759 0.13782
CB1 1BY 1 1 52.207351 0.137231