all postcodes in CM22 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

find any address or company within the CM22 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM22 6AA 1 51.924541 0.245823
CM22 6AB 0 51.929487 0.244834
CM22 6AD 0 51.929096 0.245076
CM22 6AE 0 51.928916 0.247438
CM22 6AF 0 51.928685 0.245914
CM22 6AG 0 51.931094 0.247372
CM22 6AH 0 51.932542 0.248722
CM22 6AJ 0 51.933683 0.246905
CM22 6AL 0 51.933859 0.247147
CM22 6AN 1 51.934718 0.245488
CM22 6AP 0 51.935798 0.243534
CM22 6AQ 0 51.930565 0.249601
CM22 6AR 0 51.933782 0.251609
CM22 6AS 1 51.933096 0.251313
CM22 6AT 0 51.932913 0.249107
CM22 6AU 0 51.932058 0.251959
CM22 6AW 0 51.932655 0.250343
CM22 6AX 0 51.93406 0.254503
CM22 6AY 0 51.932354 0.256702
CM22 6AZ 0 51.933163 0.25763