all postcodes in CM23 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM23 2FR 4 0 51.880725 0.156662
CM23 2FS 8 0 51.871532 0.158285
CM23 2FT 3 0 51.873178 0.143516
CM23 2FU 3 0 51.881371 0.158652
CM23 2FX 2 0 51.881674 0.15932
CM23 3AA 1 1 51.866756 0.160336
CM23 3AB 16 14 51.869634 0.16075
CM23 3AD 5 0 51.868025 0.159787
CM23 3AG 43 17 51.868414 0.161037
CM23 3AJ 3 3 51.86812 0.161419
CM23 3AL 23 13 51.866903 0.161099
CM23 3AP 1 1 51.866761 0.161005
CM23 3AR 24 17 51.865789 0.161045
CM23 3AT 33 15 51.869171 0.16006
CM23 3AW 6 0 51.867895 0.158996
CM23 3AY 2 0 51.869892 0.160367
CM23 3AZ 15 11 51.868389 0.160531
CM23 3BG 14 11 51.866584 0.160339
CM23 3BJ 5 4 51.868027 0.162544
CM23 3BL 13 13 51.867779 0.161882