all postcodes in CM23 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM23 3BP 4 3 51.86726 0.162249
CM23 3BQ 20 4 51.865228 0.160771
CM23 3BT 25 4 51.869068 0.163657
CM23 3BX 3 3 51.869315 0.16294
CM23 3BY 13 0 51.865519 0.161541
CM23 3DA 23 0 51.86315 0.165712
CM23 3DD 4 0 51.867713 0.159598
CM23 3DE 14 0 51.867541 0.160171
CM23 3DG 1 1 51.86964 0.159952
CM23 3DH 72 40 51.862932 0.165309
CM23 3DP 30 4 51.862189 0.165157
CM23 3DQ 14 0 51.86285 0.165843
CM23 3DR 13 0 51.862316 0.166035
CM23 3DS 1 1 51.861649 0.166163
CM23 3DT 2 0 51.857903 0.168797
CM23 3GW 7 7 51.862423 0.167594
CM23 3DW 5 0 51.863277 0.164643
CM23 3DX 5 0 51.861881 0.165273
CM23 3DY 16 16 51.864472 0.165194
CM23 3DZ 1 1 51.902817 0.195179