all postcodes in CM3 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM3 1FD 1 0 51.794014 0.457957
CM3 1DE 20 3 51.793518 0.457523
CM3 1DF 16 1 51.792227 0.456554
CM3 1DG 8 0 51.791003 0.455734
CM3 1DH 41 0 51.792808 0.4537
CM3 1DJ 35 0 51.792568 0.454397
CM3 1DP 12 0 51.790051 0.453057
CM3 1DQ 13 0 51.791572 0.455605
CM3 1DR 9 0 51.785631 0.452832
CM3 1DS 4 0 51.785025 0.451726
CM3 1DT 7 0 51.784887 0.454834
CM3 1DX 16 0 51.784552 0.452425
CM3 1DZ 6 0 51.782224 0.442771
CM3 1EA 10 0 51.782941 0.43607
CM3 1EB 4 0 51.785854 0.429542
CM3 1ED 4 0 51.788802 0.444405
CM3 1EE 13 0 51.789727 0.446195
CM3 1EF 6 0 51.790187 0.440071
CM3 1EG 5 0 51.792598 0.435227
CM3 1EH 3 0 51.792547 0.427727