all postcodes in CM3 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM3 1HJ 5 0 51.805358 0.414373
CM3 1HL 14 0 51.805118 0.412054
CM3 1HN 4 0 51.800246 0.388151
CM3 1HP 3 0 51.80757 0.383023
CM3 1HQ 6 0 51.805248 0.415339
CM3 1HR 4 0 51.811691 0.377193
CM3 1HS 5 0 51.808043 0.376595
CM3 1HT 3 0 51.81908 0.37378
CM3 1HU 10 2 51.826067 0.374728
CM3 1HW 1 0 51.804375 0.386759
CM3 1HX 14 0 51.82069 0.379508
CM3 1HY 10 0 51.813986 0.398352
CM3 1HZ 7 0 51.809347 0.403575
CM3 1JA 4 0 51.813473 0.413312
CM3 1JB 1 0 51.809886 0.42551
CM3 1JD 1 0 51.807474 0.422088
CM3 1JE 1 0 51.80705 0.426533
CM3 1JF 5 0 51.806231 0.419134
CM3 1JG 4 0 51.805828 0.412933
CM3 1JH 13 0 51.82781 0.503933