all postcodes in CM3 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM3 1EJ 4 0 51.797187 0.428585
CM3 1EL 3 0 51.79432 0.445428
CM3 1EN 39 0 51.795259 0.446987
CM3 1EP 5 0 51.79555 0.448961
CM3 1EQ 2 0 51.792578 0.428335
CM3 1ER 6 0 51.795153 0.452942
CM3 1ET 6 2 51.794548 0.455651
CM3 1EU 7 0 51.794856 0.455943
CM3 1EW 3 0 51.797144 0.448003
CM3 1EX 3 0 51.793741 0.455505
CM3 1GU 12 0 51.828115 0.504414
CM3 1GY 59 0 51.829391 0.506139
CM3 1GZ 19 0 51.829243 0.506726
CM3 1HA 9 0 51.80351 0.411518
CM3 1HB 11 0 51.802368 0.402304
CM3 1HD 1 0 51.803431 0.412297
CM3 1HE 12 1 51.804119 0.412493
CM3 1HF 3 1 51.802783 0.414932
CM3 1HG 8 0 51.804881 0.414376
CM3 1HH 22 0 51.806092 0.414107