all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 3HF 18 8 51.877235 0.55329
CM7 3HG 12 5 51.878591 0.552595
CM7 3HH 1 1 51.87857 0.552305
CM7 3HJ 12 4 51.878194 0.552197
CM7 3HL 47 0 51.87747 0.557386
CM7 3HN 50 0 51.877234 0.555426
CM7 3HP 65 5 51.878027 0.556183
CM7 3HQ 4 4 51.877857 0.552873
CM7 3HR 10 3 51.877975 0.55817
CM7 3HS 25 1 51.877715 0.560582
CM7 3HT 15 1 51.878227 0.556892
CM7 3HW 15 7 51.878353 0.5544
CM7 3HX 2 0 51.878463 0.553126
CM7 3HY 18 0 51.879219 0.555524
CM7 3HZ 39 0 51.878667 0.556539
CM7 3JA 52 0 51.879324 0.557724
CM7 3JB 11 0 51.878456 0.557544
CM7 3JD 57 7 51.878706 0.558501
CM7 3JE 6 0 51.877961 0.561321
CM7 3JF 8 0 51.877541 0.558683